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  • Writer's pictureJenny

Hello November

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

Oh, the month of many celebrations.

It's my and my fiance's birth month, our engagement month, and also my mother's birthday, which falls on Thanksgiving this year. Our family's schedules are hectic this year so we'll be doing Thanksgiving differently, which I'm excited but nervous about. I'm also trying out new kinds of knit and crochet projects this month that I've not done before.

Let's dive into what November has in store, shall we?

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This year will be my first time cooking Thanksgiving dinner on my own. Most of my family is working that day, so we're celebrating on our own this year. I've never cooked a whole turkey before, so that will be interesting. Thankfully I'm only feeding my fiancé and his mother, but the task is still great when I'm up against how my parents prepared the meal for years. They know what they're doing.

I don't even have all the necessary tools for making such a dinner. I know for sure I need a baster, and my mother's extra roast tray that I kept telling her I didn't need (Surprise! I do). I'll make due with the pots and pans I have, but I may get a couple special dishes for serving sides. Do you have any utensil or cookware suggestions that you can't cook Thanksgiving dinner without?

I'm at least confident I can make the cranberries, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, and sweet potatoes without problem. I've helped with those at my parent's many times. If y'all have any tips about roasting a bird though, let me know! What's the best seasoning? How do you keep it juicy? How do you get the skin crispy?

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For My Knitting Needles:

Yarn Cozy Lite #1, blocked and undyed

Yarn Cozy Lite #2: I have to finish these cozies before November 25th so I can use them in a Love In Stitches make-along. This month starts Sockmas, a three-week long sock-making event. It will be running from November 25 to December 16, and you can either knit or crochet your socks. There are rules to it if you want to participate for the prizes, but I'll talk more about this make-along with a post or two later this month.

If you're interested in knitting or crocheting along, here's Knitty Natty's Sockmas page with all the details!

Sockmas Sock Pattern: I have picked a pattern and yarn, but I'll keep that a surprise for now. I'm a total novice when it comes to socks and I chose a pattern based on that. I'd love to do an intricate sock with stranded colorwork, but I'm keeping it simple for my first pair. I can share a few sock patterns I found if y'all want the inspiration!

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For My Crochet Hook:

Crochet Sock Pattern by Alt Knots (paid pattern on Ribblr): You need to be a member of Ribblr to access and buy their patterns, so I unfortunately cannot link it here (it's free to join though!). I bought the yarn for these when I went to the Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival in October. I've never crocheted socks either, so this is new territory for me, too. Alt Knots does a good job explaining their patterns with video tutorials on their YouTube, so I'm pretty sure I'll do okay with these.

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Thrum Green Mittens: I have a pair of knitted mittens my fiancé bought me from a craft fair a couple years ago.

They match a hat I've had for a while, too. They're lovely mittens, but they aren't very warm.

I've seen a technique called "thrumming" used for slippers and mittens to add softness and insulation to them. What you do is basically weave roving into the piece after it's complete, but I don't think it's that simple. I want to use these mittens more, so I'm willing to try this method out. Don't worry: I will take you along for the ride.

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Shop Goals

homepage shop news screenshot

If you've been on my homepage, you've probably noticed the "Etsy Reopening Soon!" banner right under Shop News. I haven't had a date on it because I've been scared to commit. Once I have that day out there, I'm telling everyone that's when you can expect to view my shop and purchase something. I'm afraid what I offer won't be good enough, or the prices won't be right, or the packaging too much or not enough. I'm afraid of looking like a beginner.

I have to break through that fear though.

I am allowed to not be perfect from the start.

I am allowed to improve while my shop is open.

I am allowed to be a beginner.

To ease anxiety, I've been playing around with the idea of a limited shop launch. I'd only release a few items at a time to my Etsy, thus keeping inventory manageable and fresh. I thought I may even do staggered launches where I put up only knitted stuffies or just row counters and stitch markers, then a week or so later launch another category-- things like that to keep it interesting. Would you guys like that sort of thing? Let me know in the poll below!

Which Shop Update Do You Prefer?

  • Full Shop! All the items in all categories!

  • Limited Launch! Some items in all categories!

  • Staggered Launch! One category at a time!

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I have a decent amount to look forward to this November. I get to work on my cooking skills by making my first Thanksgiving dinner on my own, even if it scares me a little. I will be participating in my first ever make-along while knitting my very first pair of socks, and I'll be trying a new technique on some mittens to get them ready for winter.

My shop will continue to be worked on behind its "Reopening Soon!" sign. How I decide to open again is being looked at through a few lenses, and with your help. I think I'll have picked a method by the end of the month, if not sooner. After that, I'll start on more inventory so Eleventh Month Design can open its virtual doors to the public once again.

Hello November.


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